It is an exciting brain training game with a story line revolving around a cute angel who has her farm taken over by monsters. One needs to help her out by planting crops and finding out the monsters. In return on can keep the golden sack that exists...
woot v1.9 mochi highscores, kongregate highscores and MUTE button. Click the targets to get points note: click the close text to close the how to play
jump from one rock to another collecting the gems on your way.
Prove your parking skills in our challenging game that will have you park a giant truck, load it up and deliver away the heavy load.
Take a drive on this endless road, and make sure you don't crash into other cars (or roadblocks).
An escape the room game -- help George Bush escape the Oval Office.
Challenge the toughest basketball players and defeat them on the street, at their own game.
Build lasers, artillery, missiles, slow fields, shock generators and blade launchers to stop wave after wave of creeps, now with 4 maps, and 5 difficulty levels.
Who said the sword was mightier than a bag of cash? Take control of the hero of this humorous story, an up and coming ninja, and strive to become a ranking member of the Capitalist Ninja Society.Instructions