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Zoptirik Stunt Biker

Posted by games.ashen.com Jan-17-2011

Zoptirik Stunt Biker


After his jungle adventure Zoptirik decided to try a stunt bike experience. This challenge take place in different enviroments. In a off-road forest and city and other. Zoptirik is now a stunt bike rider. Help him to complete each level.


Use arrow keys to manage zoptirik.

The Cross Adventure Plus

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

The Cross Adventure Plus


The Cross Adventure Plus is the fusion and interaction of maze and adventure game, I like to call it a double maze. There is the “body” (blue ball) and “the Cross” (mouse pointer). The “body” will follow “the cross”, you can read all instructions in the tutorial room of the game. There is a highscore system where you can submit your score.

There are a lot of different rooms, each one with an unique way to pass through, some places that you can’t go you will be able to go after getting an item. If you want quit and continue playing after a while you can save the game in each rooms. Try to beat other players that already set a highscore!


Use the mouse to move “the cross” (the “Body” will follow), Z use item 1, Space use item 2, X make the ball run faster.

To get around laser beams, move your mouse around it and back to the path so the body will walk through the laser.

Colour Cross

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Colour Cross


Do you like playing with colours? Well here’s your chance! With Colour Cross you can test

your skill & have some cool fun at the same time.


Use your MOUSE to play. LEFT CLICK & drag the cross to move it around. Collect the coloured

balls. Use the red coloured end of the cross to collect the Red Balls, Blue for Blue Balls,

etc. Do not collect the Purple Balls.