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There is something about me..

Ninja Robot

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-2-2011

Ninja Robot


There are 14 amazing levels in this Ninja game, control the Ninja Robot with the arrow keys. Try to reach the end of each level and try collecting items. But there is a timer so you have to hurry. You can open doors by getting the keys for it. At the end of each level you will get a secret code, so you can start at the level you reached (if you plan to play it again later).

Bar HP = indicates HP of ninja if you hit the fire, laser or enemy. If it is empty the Ninja will crash and you will loose a life.

Bar MP = Shows MP ninja, it will be reduced when moving the ninja. If you do nothing it will increase. If it is empty you will crash and loose a life.


Use the arrow keys to control the Ninja Robot. See the ingame instructions for more info about all objects.


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



Solve the riddles of your own hell. Trust Dr. Verhoeven. This place changes you! Don’t be afraid. Survive and escape this horror.
Löse die Rätsel deiner eigenen Hölle. Vertraue Dr. Verhoeven. Dieser Ort verändert dich. Hab keine Angst. Überlebe und entkomme diesem Horror.


Open the gate that wakes in darkness opening new nightmares.
Find the helmet, spells, signs and mirror. Use it carefully.
Use the switches at the gate around it to activate.
The gate must be behind you if you to it turns. Closes your eyes to regenerate.
Öffne das Tor das in Finsternis wacht und neue Wege in deine Alpträume öffnet. Finde den Helm, Bannsprüche, Zeichen und Spiegel. Benutze sie vorsichtig. Um das Tor zu aktivieren benutze die Schalter. Das Tor muss hinter dir sein wenn du dich zu ihm drehst. Schliesse deine Augen um dich zu regenerieren.