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Carve Discoverer

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Carve Discoverer


Play a fly and discover the carve. Try to reach the shit. On the way you mustn’t touch the wall of the carve (or you left a live) and have to try to collect the coins as much as you can to get points.



Fly with arrow keys

Headspin: Card Quest

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Headspin: Card Quest


The King and Queen have been locked in the castle by the evil Prince!

A fiendish puzzler where you must beat all your opponents at cards to reach the castle and save them!


Flip your cards on the Right
to mirror theirs on the Left.


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010






Ice Road Penguins

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Ice Road Penguins


Ice Road Penguins is a simple but fun arcade styled side shooter. Player’s start with 10,000 cargo and attempt to make it to the end of the level with as much cargo left as soon as possible. On the way, several unique enemies and obstacles will be encountered.


Try to make it to the end with as much cargo as possible. Take out enemies/avoid obstacles to gain extra points.

Maximum Band

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Maximum Band


Have you got what it takes to manage a pop band? Find out in Maximum Band. Make the right moves and plays to take this band of bothers to the toppermost of the poppermost.


Easy multiple choice point and click. Interact with the characters, not the keyboard.


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



Chaos breaks in Qobsland and nobody off knows more where it to is. Dilly the humming bear kidnaps Qobix friend Qobine and also otherwise seems oneself everything against Qobix swore to have. Chaos bricht in Qobsland aus und niemand weiß mehr wo er dran ist. Dilly der Brummbär entführt Qobine und auch ansonsten scheint sich alles gegen Qobix verschworden zu haben.


Help Qobix the order to repair and color you at it the playing fields into the correct color over into the next in each case level to arrive. In addition you jump with Qobix simply only on a stone thereupon its color changes. But caution, you jump on an already finished stone the origin color are restored again. Switches, elevators and crystals facilitate the thing.
Use Mouse in Menu.
Helfen Sie Qobix die Ordnung wieder herzustellen und färben Sie dazu die Spielfelder in die richtige Farbe um in den jeweils nächsten Level zu gelangen.
Dazu springen Sie mit Qobix einfach nur auf einen Stein der daraufhin seine Farbe wechselt. Aber Vorsicht, springen Sie nochmals auf einen bereits umgefärbten Stein wird die Ursprungsfarbe wiederhergestellt.
Schalter, Aufzüge und Kristalle erleichtern die Sache.
Benutze die Maus im Menü.

Captain Latanica

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Captain Latanica


You must fight against Captain Latanica armed with your ninja throwing stars!
In this new Maple Story simulator, the fight extends to Captain Latanica and his possies, Selki Jr. and Mr. Anchor.
They’re not there just to get in your way though! You must use the skill Avenger to get rid of them or else they’ll heal the boss!

Once you have defeated Captain Latanica, use the trainer for cheats and the star changer to change your stars!
To access these press 1 for the trainer and 2 for the star changer.

Enjoy the game! 🙂


Press Z to throw 3 stars at once!
Press X to throw a huge star that goes through up to 6 enemies!
And to double all the stars use Shadow Partner with the S key!
Is the character not fast enough for you? Press A to get a speed boost!

Pyschedelic Invaders

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Pyschedelic Invaders


Alien invaders attack and you must defend the Earth.


Destroy the alien invaders, destroy the mother ship to progress and avoid all lasers


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



Solve the riddles of your own hell. Trust Dr. Verhoeven. This place changes you! Don’t be afraid. Survive and escape this horror.
Löse die Rätsel deiner eigenen Hölle. Vertraue Dr. Verhoeven. Dieser Ort verändert dich. Hab keine Angst. Überlebe und entkomme diesem Horror.


Open the gate that wakes in darkness opening new nightmares.
Find the helmet, spells, signs and mirror. Use it carefully.
Use the switches at the gate around it to activate.
The gate must be behind you if you to it turns. Closes your eyes to regenerate.
Öffne das Tor das in Finsternis wacht und neue Wege in deine Alpträume öffnet. Finde den Helm, Bannsprüche, Zeichen und Spiegel. Benutze sie vorsichtig. Um das Tor zu aktivieren benutze die Schalter. Das Tor muss hinter dir sein wenn du dich zu ihm drehst. Schliesse deine Augen um dich zu regenerieren.

Kill Fly

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Kill Fly


Kill all flies but don’t hurt other insects and don’t damage furniture.


Kill all flies but don’t hurt other insects and don’t damage furniture.