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World of Dungeons

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-28-2011

World of Dungeons


Are you the one who can survive and destroy the dangers in this dungeon?

In the new “World of Dungeons – The Raptorian” flash game, you control a barbarian, and explore a vast dungeon filled with dangerous monsters and valuable artifacts. Destroy unspeakable horrors with your powerful axe to gain fame, wealth, and honor. Can you rescue your companions from the grasp of the evil sorceror? Gain eternal glory by finding and defeating the Great Red Dragon deep within the dungeon.

Bist du Held genug, um gegen die Gefahren dieses Dungeons zu bestehen?

In dem neuem Flashspiel “World of Dungeons – The Raptorian” steuerst du einen Barbaren, der einen Dungeon, ein großes Verlies voller gefährlicher Gegner und Schätze, erkundet. Mit seiner Axt kämpft er sich durch allerlei Gefahren, um reich an Ruhm, Ehre und Gold zu werden. Befreie andere Helden aus den Klauen der Gegner und stelle dein Glück bei den Magiern auf die Probe. Finde und besiege den roten Drachen, um Ruhm und Ehre ins Unermessliche zu steigern.

As tu l’âme d’un héros et arriveras tu à survivre dans ce donjon avec ton seul Barbare?

Dans ce Flash Game de “World of Dungeons – The Raptorian” tu joues un Barbare qui s’avenure dans un donjon avec pleins de dangers et de trèsors. Tu combats avec la hache pour récolter gloire et fortune, de nombreux mort-vivants, magiciens et même un dragon vont se mettre sur ta route, à toi de montrer que tu es une graine de héros.


Control your barbarian with the arrow keys. Press ctrl to throw your axe and space to jump.
Den “Barbaren” steuerst du mit den Pfeiltasten. Um eine Axt zu werfen, drücke die Strg-Taste. Um zu springen, drücke die Leertaste. Im Menü benutze die Maus.
Tu contrôles le barbare avec les flêches de ton clavier, pour lancer la hache utilise la touche Ctrl, pour sauter la barre espace, et pour toute autre action la flêche vers la haut (ouvrir un coffre, secourir quelqu’un etc…)

Select English, German or French InGame Language with your Mouse.

The Froginator

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-8-2011

The Froginator


This small froginator snake wants to push the king of the frogs from the throne to. It understands itself automatically, which the frog king has so some against it. In 10 level you are exposed to its bad cunning. Catch the frog army of the frog king and defeat it. You are the Froginator.


This small froginator snake wants to push the king of the frogs from the throne to. It understands itself automatically, which the frog king has so some against it. In 10 level you are exposed to its bad cunning. Catch the frog army of the frog king and defeat it. You are the Froginator.


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



Chaos breaks in Qobsland and nobody off knows more where it to is. Dilly the humming bear kidnaps Qobix friend Qobine and also otherwise seems oneself everything against Qobix swore to have. Chaos bricht in Qobsland aus und niemand weiß mehr wo er dran ist. Dilly der Brummbär entführt Qobine und auch ansonsten scheint sich alles gegen Qobix verschworden zu haben.


Help Qobix the order to repair and color you at it the playing fields into the correct color over into the next in each case level to arrive. In addition you jump with Qobix simply only on a stone thereupon its color changes. But caution, you jump on an already finished stone the origin color are restored again. Switches, elevators and crystals facilitate the thing.
Use Mouse in Menu.
Helfen Sie Qobix die Ordnung wieder herzustellen und färben Sie dazu die Spielfelder in die richtige Farbe um in den jeweils nächsten Level zu gelangen.
Dazu springen Sie mit Qobix einfach nur auf einen Stein der daraufhin seine Farbe wechselt. Aber Vorsicht, springen Sie nochmals auf einen bereits umgefärbten Stein wird die Ursprungsfarbe wiederhergestellt.
Schalter, Aufzüge und Kristalle erleichtern die Sache.
Benutze die Maus im Menü.

Michigan Hawk

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Michigan Hawk


Are you the one who can survive the dangers in this tomb?
Find the sarcophagus of Ra-Amin-Kah.
Collect treasures, gold, diamonds and more.
To escape, from the tomb of Ra-Amin-Kah, you need the old Maps of Atlantis. Collect this maps.


Control your archeologist with the arrow keys.
Use mouse in Menu.

Starship Operation Dark Matter

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Starship Operation Dark Matter


Protect our solar system. We need the computer data of starship one. Fight again alien spaceships. Cross reliably the mine field. Give Starship One “Dark Matter” Escort protection and flies reliably to Star cruiser Razorblade back.
Lute em defesa do universo eliminando todos os inimigos que cruzarem seu caminho. Acabe com todos e seja o melhor do ranking.


Front line:: Fight your way to the hostile mine field free! For in each case 10 successful firings you receive a medal.
Minefield:: Navigate carefully by the mine field put on by the Yrilions and avoid you it at any price to be discovered! Collect here further medals and prove yourselves flight arts.
Escort protection:: Give Starship One (Dark matter) escort protection! Fire free.
Extras Smartbomb, Doublefire and Special-Bonus included.
Use Mouse in Menu.

TimeWarp V.2

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

TimeWarp V.2


This nutty professor Timexidus has made a time machine and traveled back in time… He lost a part of the time machine, and you have to help him find it back. There many puzzle to solve, before the professor can finally reach the time machine.
Professor Timexidus ha creato una macchina del tempo con la quale viaggiare in tutte le epoche. Purtroppo ha perduto alcune dei pezzi di questa sua creazione e ha incaricato voi di cercarli. Utilizza le frecce per muoverti e la barra spazio per saltare. Puoi raccogliere gli oggetti utilizzando la freccia in alto.


Time Warp is a side view adventure game with many puzzles to solve, incredible TimeWarps and more.
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