The classic game of hangman, using authors, poets, books and literary knowledge.
Click letters to figure out what the phrase is; once you know it, type out the phrase and hit solve. The less letters you’ve revealed when you get it, the more points you’ll get. Keep going until your hangman is finally hung to aim for the high score!
Cliche is sort of like hangman but with cliches or phrases. Click letters to reveal parts of the phrases. You have as many letters as there are each in the phrase. Guess wrong, score no points. The more letters you use, the less your score.
Cliche is sort of like hangman but with cliches or phrases. Click letters to reveal parts of the phrases. You have as many letters as there are each in the phrase. Guess wrong, score no points. The more letters you use, the less your score.
Classic game of hangman, guess the letters to stop the hanging!
Use the mouse to click each letter you guess is in the word at the top of the screen. You only get 11 fails, the dummy is hung and it’s game over. Guess 20 words to win the game. Points are awarded for each letter and word guessed correctly, go for the top score!
Classic game of hangman, guess the letters to stop the hanging!
Use the mouse to click each letter you guess is in the word at the top of the screen. You only get 11 fails, the dummy is hung and it’s game over. Guess 20 words to win the game. Points are awarded for each letter and word guessed correctly, go for the top score!
Wage a war of words against your opponent in the classic game of hangman and see who can get the highest score.
Press E, M or H to choose difficulty level. Press any key when in battle to select a letter to use.
Play in 3D Hangman like game. The goal of the game is to guess as much aphorisms and sayings of famous people as you can do and to gain the maximum possible number of points. You have fixed amount of attempts and helping tools. There are two helping tools available in the game USSR laser and magic lens.
The phrase is displayed on the blackboard with the letters closed by stars. Guessing the letters you collect stars.
The classic game of hangman which has been proven over many generations, to improve spelling and general knowledge in a fun easy to play format. Choose from eleven categories within the game including, animals, Bible characters, birds, capital cities, countries, sports, vegetables, insects, flowers and fruit.
Over 500 words and phrases are included in the game plus you can create your own hangman word and phrases lists here online and play them right within the game by choosing the My Hangman option. Your own lists are saved and can be recalled, edited and re-saved at any time. Full instructions are provided on every screen and a high score table keeps track of best efforts.
The classic, yet amazing game of hangman, now with scoring!
Test your knowledge of the countries around the globe!
How to Play
Use mouse.
Flags of the world hangman. In this bloody version of hangman you have to know the flags of the worlds countries. If you don’t, our hero dies…
Use mouse or keyboard.