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Ashen Games

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Symbols of Pharaonic b&w

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-10-2011

Symbols of Pharaonic b&w


you have 1 Minute and 54 flip to memorize all the Symbols


Where is the new Star ?

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-4-2011

Where is the new Star ?


A fun game about visual memory! How many stars can you memorize ?


Click on the New Star that appears in the Sky.

who has the biggest memory

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

who has the biggest memory


In who has the biggest memory you have to carrefuly look the random numbers generated by the computer. And after the “nag” screen you have to recompose the sequence.


Just look memorize and repeat the sequence. Use your mouse to play.