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Rebuild Chile

Posted by games.ashen.com May-15-2011

Rebuild Chile


Help the children from chile affected by the earthquake/tsunami by playing this game. All the funds will go to Unicef Chile.


Use you arrow keys to move the bulldozer and push the debris to an exit. If you are stuck you can call the helicopter with the ‘H’ key.


Posted by games.ashen.com Feb-14-2011



Humanity is suffering another Apocalypse.

The city is not recognizable any more: the streets are full of roaming zombies who are catching live people and attacking their refuge.
You need to search for survivors in this apocalyptic turn based strategy game (TBS). Create a detachment of soldiers, scavengers, builders, scientists and combine their efforts for city rebuilding and defense.
Manage food supplies, housing and morale while defending against undead attacks. Reclaim the city one square at a time and put your survivors to work scavenging for food, building houses, rediscovering technology and of course killing zombies. Beware of rival gangs, wild dogs, food thieves and even riots as you manage a city. Your fort should be growing constantly.

Humanity anchors its hope on you.


Cursor keys for map scrolling.