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Ashen Games

Social Network Gaming

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Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-4-2011





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A,D – 扫射
S – 打开门
X -关门

鼠标- 瞄准及消防


Escape from Zarlek Spaceport

Posted by games.ashen.com Oct-13-2011

Escape from Zarlek Spaceport


Weaponmaster Mark Two-Blasters must escape from the Laser Gang in the first episode of this episodic action-adventure series.


Planetary Pile-up

Posted by games.ashen.com Oct-4-2011

Planetary Pile-up


A galactic scale puzzle game.
Match the same coloured planets together to destroy them as you try to keep from getting crushed.


Use the mouse to drop planets.

Sagittarius: 2172

Posted by games.ashen.com Oct-4-2011

Sagittarius: 2172


Sagittarius: 2172 is a real-time puzzle/space strategy game. Instead of using classic color tetris rules, «Sagittarius: 2172» revolves around a spaceship, which can be upgraded and can seriously change course of game. Players can focus on construction, research or acquisition of resources. Players also can use special abilities, such as time control or missile attack to facilitate game.



• “Left arrow” or “A” – move figure left;

• ” Right arrow” or “D” – move figure right;

• “Up arrow” or “W” – swap blocks in figure;

• “Down arrow” or “S” – accelerate motion of figure;

• “Esc” – pause (during game is paused you can build and upgrade modules of mothership);

• “Space”, “Ins” – drop figure;

• “1”, “2”, “3”, “4” – use abilities;

Scottoons Robot Factory

Posted by games.ashen.com Sep-20-2011

Scottoons Robot Factory


Build a robot by clicking on robot parts that are then made, cleaned, and steam cooled. Drag the freshly made part to the center to build your ‘bot. Pieces can be placed anywhere in the main area. They can also be manipulated with controls such as flip, rotate, enlarge, and shrink.


Click on a robot part for it to be manufactured, cleaned and cooled in the Scottoons Part-O-Matic™ at the left. You can alter each robot part by selecting the piece then using the controls in the top left. Color the background by using the buttons at the lower left. You can enter a custom HTML color and press the arrow button. Have fun building your very own robot at the Scottoons Robot Factory!

Sagittarius: 2172

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-20-2011

Sagittarius: 2172 is a real-time puzzle/space strategy game. Instead of using classic color tetris rules, «Sagittarius: 2172» revolves around a spaceship, which can be upgraded and can seriously change course of game. Players can focus on construction, research or acquisition of resources. Players also can use special abilities, such as time control or missile attack to facilitate game.

Fuel Station 612

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-15-2011

Fuel Station 612


Fly your ship to score points. Pick up fuel to prolong your flight and land safely to win. Warning! If your ship crashes, you lose all points!


Use arrow keys to fly your ship. Fly your ship to score points. Pick up fuel to prolong your flight and land safely to win. Warning! If your ship crashes, you lose all points!

SpaceShip Invaders

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-13-2011

SpaceShip Invaders


Shoot Through Hordes of “Red, Bad”, SpaceShips in Space..:)…!!

Collect the “Blue Glowvy Things” To level up your weapon….

Avoid the “Red Glowvy Things” to save your Life,..!!,….

As your XP gets filled u get new Stars That Give You extra Lives!!!


Can toggle between Keyboard OR Mouse Controls during the game,

Keyboard Controls:

Left Arrow Key : Move Left
Right Arrow Key : Move Right
Space Key: Fire
Mouse Controls:

Move: To Move Left And Right
Left Click: Fire

Deep Space Scrapper

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-8-2011

Deep Space Scrapper


Blow stuff up in space with lasers.
Be the A.I. of a heavily-armed space probe and vaporize scrap for your “Papa’s” one-man salvage operation; choose your weapons and rake in the cash.
Bored with story mode? Unwind in five unique Challenge Modes.


Click to fire. [1] and [2] switch weapons, [space] fires your special weapon. At the ship menu, drag weapons to slots to equip.

Omega Box

Posted by games.ashen.com Mar-28-2011

Omega Box


Enter the world of Omega Box, as a subject inside a classified weapons testing and bio engineering facility. Survive the weapons tests, evolve into stronger forms, unlock achievements, and unveal the secrets behind the Omega Box.

How to Play

Arrow Keys to Move