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Ashen Games

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Game Remembers the Sounds

Posted by games.ashen.com Nov-16-2011

Game Remembers the Sounds


in this game should remember the sound and visual sequence that shows you.


to start the game you must press the green button “INICIAR JUEGO” and then follow the sequence by pressing the corresponding number on the keyboard or by mouse click in the box that you think corresponds to the sequence.

Crazy Cannon

Posted by games.ashen.com Aug-15-2011

Crazy Cannon


Shoot your chosen cannon fodder as far as you can! Gain various achievements to purchase unlockable items such as different game backgrounds, more power for your cannon, different cannon fodder and more!


Spacebar – Restart/Shoot
Arrow keys – Tilt cannon
S – Show Award Point Shop
R – Show Game Instructions
A – Show achievements menu
C – To choose what to load your cannon with


Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-15-2011



Notes are flying around the field. They are visually alike, but each note contains a specific melody.

You have a list of melodies to find. So your goal is simple – to find and collect those melodies that are in your list.


To collect a melody, just click on the note that contains it.

To find out which melody contains “inside” the note you should use Strings.

Place Strings on the field and when note will touch one of them, melody that contains in this note, will be played. So when you hear the melody you should decide is it the one from the list or not.

To place a String you should first click the Strings button under the melodies list. Then press the left mouse button anywhere on the field, then drag mouse to the another point on the field and finally release left mouse button. String has a specific length.

When note touches the String it also creates a coin. Collect coins by clicking on them. Each coin gives you 1 sec of time and can be used to buy stuff between levels.

If you make a mistake and click the note that contains “not in the list” melody, you will lose some time. Watch the time, when it runs out – you’ll fail!

Memory Challenge

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-15-2011

Memory Challenge


Try to reproduce the melody in the same order as it is shown. Each time, one touch will be added. If you fail, you will go back to the first level. You have three opportunities to do your best before the game is over…


Reproduce the melody by doing click in the down buttons

Concerto Memory

Posted by games.ashen.com Mar-26-2011

Concerto Memory


Instead of Images, match sounds in this original twist on the classic memory game… And not just any sounds : extracts from the greatest tunes of classic music.

A original and educational game!

How to Play

Click on a card to hear its music extract, and then click on another card. If the two music extracts match, the cards disappear.

Try to make all the cards disappear in the less clicks possible!


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



This game will put your brain to the test to gauge how well you memorize patterns and sequences! This game is sound enabled for those who wants to pay more attention to the audible patterns rather than the visual.


Repeat the pattern given by the computer. The game’s difficulty will increase with time (speed, patterns, personality, length of sequence, etc.) See how high you can score! 🙂