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Ashen Games

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Monster Kitchen

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-2-2011

Monster Kitchen


At the round restaurant of stone four monsters are dining, twist and turn the hole place so that the right order comes to the right guest!


Move your mouse around the playfield to rotate the restaurant.


Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-9-2011



Your goal is to reach as high as possible by creating explosions that fires the dude away from them. You start with 100 health and loose one when you make an explosion or hit a wall in high speed. When you run out of health the game is over and then it’s time to start again and try to get a little higher!


Click to make an explosion.

Pixel Animal Hunter II

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Pixel Animal Hunter II


The sequel to Pixel Animal Hunter (http://www.spelgrim.com/games/pixelanimalhunter/). The Pixel animals have now spread to the entire world! You take the role as a freelancing pixel animal hunter and it’s your job to get rid of the pixel animals!


Search the pictures and click on the animals you see.

Emo Avoider

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Emo Avoider


Collect sad feelings to put in your diary or in a sad poem… If you get a little bit happy you can always collect some razors to make you feel sad again…


Use your mouse to guide your emo to sad feelings and avoid happy thoughts. If you get struck by a happy thought use your mouse to collect razors.

Pirate Attack!

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Pirate Attack!


Yahrr! Three pirateships are attacking you! You have to defend your ship against incoming canonballs! rrrr!


Move your mouse over the canonballs to make them fall into the sea!