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Ashen Games

Social Network Gaming

There is something about me..


Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-29-2011



Super avoider game with the best movement and control . Man with jetpack flies and avoids planes, ufos and cars. And collects Euro.


Moon NLO

Posted by games.ashen.com May-25-2011

Moon NLO


This is an exciting flash game, in which your goal is to touch the UFO accurately on the destination antenna in every level after passing through dangerous rocky caves.


fly to antenna and set green.
kill wall with key space.


Posted by games.ashen.com May-15-2011



The space arcade game about brave human pilot who fights agressive alien fleet.
Player controls the space ship which destroys the enemy space crafts.


Use mouse to control your spase ship.
LMB – shoot
Esc – pause


Posted by games.ashen.com May-9-2011



Destroy the buildings of those pesky humans with your spacecraft, in this “arkanoid” type of game.


Drop a plazmaball on the buildings, and bounce it back with your space ship. Get money for the demolished buildings and buy upgrades on them.


Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-26-2011



SmashCrashTeriods is a fantastically fun 2D space shooter. You have an array of weapons and powerups including your “smash-crash shield” to obliterate anything that gets in your way. You and your friends will love SmashCrashTeriods, you will want to marry it.


Uses your weapon and power-ups to destroy any and everything. The more you destroy the more your “crash” shield powers up. The more powerful your shield the more time you can spend crashing through objects.

Alien Rescue

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-16-2011

Alien Rescue


Game name is “Alien Teleportation”. It is based on physics engine and have a nice graphics.The objective of the game is to remove unnecessary blocks and to land Alien on teleportation block. If all this done you can teleport the Alien.It has 90 levels, many blocks types. All 90 levels divided into 3 worlds (constellations) which has different graphics on background. Constellations are appears in main menu during progress of game. Then you can choose any level by pressing planet in those constellations.


Game name is “Alien Teleportation”. It is based on physics engine and have a nice graphics.The objective of the game is to remove unnecessary blocks and to land Alien on teleportation block. If all this done you can teleport the Alien.It has 90 levels, many blocks types. All 90 levels divided into 3 worlds (constellations) which has different graphics on background. Constellations are appears in main menu during progress of game. Then you can choose any level by pressing planet in those constellations.

Anti UFO

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-5-2011

Anti UFO


In this game UFO’s will appear and kidnap the citizens. If a UFO catches a citizen and leaves the screen, then you lose. As the game progresses the UFO’s will move faster and the game will be more difficult.


1. Use the mouse to control a cannon and click to shoot the UFO’s.

2. Sometimes a UFO’s will carry items, you can shoot it to get the item to help you protect the citizens.

Alien Planet – BloodLust Mochi Edition

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-3-2011

Alien Planet - BloodLust Mochi Edition


You are a space marine trainee who is assigned to protect a corporate flag from alien invasion. Protect your flag from being captured to the greys’ UFO. Collect items that are dropped from your mothership and kill the incoming aliens.

The key to survive in this game is to choose the right weapon against different kinds of enemy and balance the time for picking up items and protecting the flag.


Press a to move left
Press d to move right
Press w to jump
Press r to reload ammo
Press q to swap weapon
Press 1 – 6 to choose weapon
Press p to pause / resume
Use mouse to aim and fire

Epic Fail

Posted by games.ashen.com Mar-28-2011

Epic Fail


One rabbit. One life. And many traps.

How to Play

Cowjacked: The harvest moo

Posted by games.ashen.com Mar-14-2011

Cowjacked: The harvest moo


Collect the cows for your alien experiments but look out for the angry farmers protecting their cattle with pitchforks. Make your own levels!


Fly around with arrow keys. Press space to pick up objects with your tractor beam.