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Tell The Time

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-4-2011


Learn to tell the time in my game that speaks the time to you, either in the modern way (digital), or the traditional way (quarter past, half past etc.).


In the game you click a Question button and the time is spoken to you and shown on screen. You then have to set the hands to the correct time and you score points for getting it right. There are 3 levels of difficulty. In the first level the questions are only O'clock, quarter to/past and half past the hour. Level 2 adds 5, 10 past etc., questions and level 3 is the minutes in between. There is also a Practice level where you can set the hands to any time and hear the time spoken to you. Progress is rewarded with a certificate. How To Play Audio instructions are given on every screen just by clicking the Help button


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