Santa Hottie. Play more games at
Arrange the picture to the right order in time limit. Total has 5 stage need to pass. If you pass the 5 stage will give your a special gift. thanks for playing.
Cancer tend to be loyal, dependable, caring, adaptable and responsive some of their weakness are moody, clingy, self-pitying, oversensitive, self-absorbed. If you are a Cancer come and play this great dress up game and get your horoscope for today!
Isoblock Madness is a fun and interesting puzzlegame... A "rolling block", different maps and places to reach to achieve your goal. Sounds and looks simple but quickly start to be a total "brain crusher" as the puzzles get harder and harder... I'm ...
Take the ultimate Paint Drying Observation test in this Game Changer* which will test your patience to the very limits of plausibility ! This is GT50 in the KBsGameToilet game-idea-a-day project. Sign up and push it's followers into DOUBLE FIGURES...
The objective of this game is to click on the TOP (and only the TOP will work) to create a portal which drops a crate. Move your Robot with the mouse and pick up the crate to gain score! You have 10 seconds.
Mystic Cards is a game of card collection and strategy, your goal is to collect cards to destroy your enemies. Select one side (Human or Demon) and fight your opponent in epic battles. Use the power of your monsters to subdue his opponents and col...
You are in charge for the flow of honey in your colony. Once the honey starts running, you can not stop the flow. The honey will flow cell to cell following the path indicated by the arrows in each cell. There are 6 hives for you to collect the maximum amount of honey.Instructions