the ‘Board Games’ Category

Fill the board with all the same colours, switching colours and gaining to your selection! You must play strategic to complete the levels in the lowest possible moves, saving moves for the next round when you may need them.
Spreading your selection will give you more covered area and will allow you more touching colours to expand too!
To expand you must choose colours to switch yours to and expand your selection! To complete a level select all colours

Within the forest lives the cartoon creatures. Match up the paired creature cards in the least amount of attempts possible.

Made with the spirit of tetris and extra levels of complication – how fast are you? 5 shapes, 5 colors, 10 columns, 20 rows. Build multiscores by setting up multimatches. Step 1: Win your way to the top ten list! Step 2: Party!

Multiplayer Dots is a game of fun. Take turns, joining dots to form blocks and win.
Players take turns to connect dots to form lines. 4 lines can form a cube. Player that makes the most cubes will win.

Use your mouse to aim and fire pool balls towards the other moving balls to form groups of 3 or more of the same colored balls.
Use your mouse to aim and fire pool balls.Shoot ghost get additional point.

Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe Game with member login/register, guest and hi-scores.
Use your mouse to play tic tac toe. One player is X and one is O.

is a funny easy game, more marine life in the sea, this game use cartoon pictures,you can pick up the same objects. match it.
have a good day.
Clicks the same pattern box, if successful ,it create a line between them.the connection line can be folded up to 2 times. Tools can help you, one is tip sign,another is add-time,the last is shuffle all boxes. time and lifes both Important. you can buy other lifes buy click the red heart.
A total of 16 levels,do you best win this game.

Your tanks always start at the bottom of the screen.
Click on one of your tanks to select it.
Click anywhere on the map to send it there.
It will fire when an enemy is within range.
Move your tanks perpendicular to the enemy for best results.
Try to keep your tanks moving constantly. A stopped tank is a dead tank.
Keep in mind that you can “trade in” tanks for different ones on the buy screen.

Simplerosso gameli ideali casualo playerissimo.
Clicka triple or more blockare similare colorelli.