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Nonogram #8

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Nonogram #8


Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of “4 8 3” would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.



Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011



Shoot the enemies at the building


Hooded cat slide puzzle

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Hooded cat slide puzzle


Hooded cat slide puzzle Game.


Colorful car coloring

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Colorful car coloring


Colorful car coloring Game.


Puzzle Book: Number Three

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Puzzle Book: Number Three


25+ Puzzles await you in the third Puzzle Book! Will you be capable of solving every single puzzle?


You will be given different puzzles. Your goal is to think carefully and pay attention to all the clues that are given to solve every single puzzle.


Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011



在这游戏飞碟的意志出现并且绑架公民。 如果飞碟捉住一个公民并且留下屏幕,则您丢失。 因为比赛快速地进步飞碟的意志移动,并且比赛将是更加困难的。


1. 使用老鼠控制大炮和点击射击飞碟。

2. 有时飞碟的意志运载项目,您可能射击它得到项目帮助您保护公民。

Children’s Room

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Children's Room


cleanup all three rooms


Solitaire Circus Spanish

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Solitaire Circus Spanish


¡Solitaire Circus puede ser adictivo!. Conocido también como “La Paciencia”, el solitario ha existido durante siglos y sigue gozando de una enorme popularidad. Está especialmente indicado para pensadores estratégicos.


1. Para acumular puntos, dale la vuelta a la primera carta de la baraja situada en la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla, e intenta colocarla en una de las 4 pilas que hay para ubicar los palos, o bien, en uno de los 7 montones más abajo.

2. Sólo puedes colocar cartas en los montones de abajo en orden descendente y alternando los colores (p. ej. 9 roja, 8 negra, 7 roja, etc.). En cuanto a los montones de los palos, deben empezar con un As y seguir el palo y el color en orden ascendente (p. ej. As de corazones, 2 de corazones, 3 de corazones, etc.).

3. Puedes coger tantas cartas nuevas como desees, pero si le das la vuelta de nuevo a la baraja se te aplicará una penalización en tu puntuación. Si no puedes hacer más progresos, puedes comenzar una nueva ronda.

Sabina Jewelry 3

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Sabina Jewelry 3


There are four bright and picturesque levels: office-room, jewellery shop, workshop and grocer’s. You have a list of hidden object that should be found. Click at the object with mouse and it will disappear. Find all objects to escape the room. There is Hint bonus in case you failed to find the object. Just click at Hint and at the object that should be found.


Glam Diva Daisy

Posted by games.ashen.com Apr-7-2011

Glam Diva Daisy


Daisy is one of the gorgeous and cute looking girls in the town. She is more interested in modeling and fashion. She always keeps her updated with new styles and trends that are going around this fashion world. This time she has decided to compete in Glam Diva 2011 contest that is happening in her town. Now she is near the auditorium where the auditions are going on. Give her best of your thoughts to make her stunning and bold. Give her some make up and select the best dresses and accessories for the competition and wish her all the best.
