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match it 2

Posted by games.ashen.com Aug-9-2011

match it 2


it’s a puzzle game!
and good design ,fun game!

I think you will like it!


mouse click,

click the same puzzle!


Posted by games.ashen.com Aug-7-2011



Use the Arrow Pad to navigate through the
cave. You are on ice, which is why you
can’t stop whenever you want to. The only
way to stop is to hit a boulder or wall.


SpaceDock Dash

Posted by games.ashen.com Aug-5-2011

SpaceDock Dash


Can you navigate to the Space Dock before time runs out!
Make sure you don’t hit any objects or the space station on the way…
The faster you get there, the higher your bonus.


Left/Right arrow key rotates
Up/Down arrow key thrusts (forward or reverse)

You’re in space, there’s no drag!
To slow down (or stop) you’ll need to apply thrust in the reverse direction to the one that you’re moving in…

World of Dungeons

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-28-2011

World of Dungeons


Are you the one who can survive and destroy the dangers in this dungeon?

In the new “World of Dungeons – The Raptorian” flash game, you control a barbarian, and explore a vast dungeon filled with dangerous monsters and valuable artifacts. Destroy unspeakable horrors with your powerful axe to gain fame, wealth, and honor. Can you rescue your companions from the grasp of the evil sorceror? Gain eternal glory by finding and defeating the Great Red Dragon deep within the dungeon.

Bist du Held genug, um gegen die Gefahren dieses Dungeons zu bestehen?

In dem neuem Flashspiel “World of Dungeons – The Raptorian” steuerst du einen Barbaren, der einen Dungeon, ein großes Verlies voller gefährlicher Gegner und Schätze, erkundet. Mit seiner Axt kämpft er sich durch allerlei Gefahren, um reich an Ruhm, Ehre und Gold zu werden. Befreie andere Helden aus den Klauen der Gegner und stelle dein Glück bei den Magiern auf die Probe. Finde und besiege den roten Drachen, um Ruhm und Ehre ins Unermessliche zu steigern.

As tu l’âme d’un héros et arriveras tu à survivre dans ce donjon avec ton seul Barbare?

Dans ce Flash Game de “World of Dungeons – The Raptorian” tu joues un Barbare qui s’avenure dans un donjon avec pleins de dangers et de trèsors. Tu combats avec la hache pour récolter gloire et fortune, de nombreux mort-vivants, magiciens et même un dragon vont se mettre sur ta route, à toi de montrer que tu es une graine de héros.


Control your barbarian with the arrow keys. Press ctrl to throw your axe and space to jump.
Den “Barbaren” steuerst du mit den Pfeiltasten. Um eine Axt zu werfen, drücke die Strg-Taste. Um zu springen, drücke die Leertaste. Im Menü benutze die Maus.
Tu contrôles le barbare avec les flêches de ton clavier, pour lancer la hache utilise la touche Ctrl, pour sauter la barre espace, et pour toute autre action la flêche vers la haut (ouvrir un coffre, secourir quelqu’un etc…)

Select English, German or French InGame Language with your Mouse.

SpaceCraft (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game)

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-24-2011

SpaceCraft (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game)


Space is cold, dark and empty. Your ship, “SpaceCraft” was attacked and your entire crew has gone missing. You must find hidden objects in your ship to help find solve the riddle and get your crew back.

Game Features:

5 Fun Filled Levels
6 Achievements to Unlock



Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-24-2011



Move your Monster around 17 crazy levels!


Arrow keys to move, A and D keys to rotate

Cave Flyer 2

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-23-2011

Cave Flyer 2


Compete with other players worldwide for the title of grand master cave flying champion. In this sequel to the ‘smash hit’ cave flyer, your ship now leaves a sparkly trail, and makes a fiery explosion when it smashes into a cave wall. And it’s slightly harder! Do you have what it takes to cave-fly your way to glory?


Click and hold the mouse to make the ship rise. Otherwise it will fall. Don’t it the walls. Fly as long as you can.


Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-20-2011





Guitar Solo

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-15-2011

Guitar Solo


This rock goddess is about to belt out an amazing guitar solo, but she’s got to look the part before she jumps on an amp and starts rapidly riffing. Make your presence known as your power cords hit the back wall and a mosh pit forms because of your smashing style and wicked solo!


Dancing Princess

Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-12-2011

Dancing Princess


Princess Christina is hosting a ball where she has invited counts, countesses, lords, dukes and duchess. Since she will be dancing with many partners, she needs to look her best and her dress should be impressive. As her maid, you need to clothe her in an outfit that will fit the grandeur of the ball dance. See if you can do just that
