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Ashen Games

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Kaban: Sheep

Posted by games.ashen.com Aug-30-2011

Kaban: Sheep


More convincing than a sheepdog, get your boar to bring the flocks home!


WASD = Move
Shift = Boost (costs Power)
M = Map
Mouse = Look Around & Use a Special Ability

Move around the sheep to drive them into pens of matching color. Pick up special abilities from the fences: a lasso to catch sheep or a fleece to blend in with the flock. Hit apple trees for extra power and points, and boost into haystacks to clear them out of the way.

Flocking Fantastic!

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Flocking Fantastic!


Guide your sheep through 14 days while protecting them from predators day and night.

The sheep will naturally flock to grass and eat when hungry. Use your farmers yell feature to guide them.

The farmer will attack predators when you click on them. Beware, the bears take many hits before being subdued.
