This game is a remake of the classic Minesweeper but with a few twists.
Firstly the board is isometic making for a trickier experience than the classic version.
Secondly the game employs realistic liquid like ripples adding to the excitement.
+ Doubble click to uncover square
+ Single click to place flag
+ Click again to place qmark
+ Click again to remove qmark
Take a trip down memory lane with an old school favorite , its minesweeper and a whole lot more.
Hold Shift and click to flag mines. flag them all and open up the tiles to win ! .
The classic game of minesweeper, remade Terry Style. Find all the mines, but don’t click on them!
The purpose of the game is to open all the cells of the board which do not contain a bomb. You lose if you set off a bomb cell.
Every non-bomb cell you open will tell you the total number of bombs in the eight neighboring cells. Once you are sure that a cell contains a bomb, you can press space to put a marker on it as a reminder.
Reveal all non-bomb squares to clear each level.
Clear 10 levels to win the game.