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Ashen Games

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Property Savvy

Posted by games.ashen.com Oct-30-2011

Property Savvy


Buy and Sell property as fast as you can to afford the Villa.


Click properties to buy or sell them.

Funland Defender

Posted by games.ashen.com May-13-2011

Funland Defender


Defend your FunLand from Pipe the property fraud


Don’t let pipe,the wicked businessman get in
to FunLand. He is the property fraud,that always take people’s land rights. Defend your FunLand from him!

Reality Property Management

Posted by games.ashen.com May-11-2011

Reality Property Management


You have finally decided to start your very own property management company in a small but growing town. Build houses and keep your tenants happy while managing tasks, employees and making as much money as your can.


Jigsaw: Mansion

Posted by games.ashen.com Mar-30-2011

Jigsaw: Mansion


A lovely mansion in autumn colors.

How to Play