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Ashen Games

Social Network Gaming

There is something about me..


Posted by games.ashen.com Jul-13-2011



Shinland Game. Our hero Shin has arrived lost on a mysterious island. He takes refuge in a small village but his goal is to get back home.


W: Attack / Shoot
A: Action/ Open Doors/ Enter/Exit/ Chat
Movement: Arrows
Heal: Down Arrow


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



QuestLine is about learning who can provide certain items and how you can use them to procure other, more interesting items. The goal is to find as many routes through the game as possible — even the ones that end in a gruesome death.


Click on locations to visit them from the travel screen. Once you are at a place, you will see three tabs on the bottom of the screen. Use these tabs to switch between items, places, and people. Click an icon to ask the person on the screen about the object you clicked. If you want to try and give something to someone, or use an item on a creature or object, drag it from your inventory onto the target. To pickup items from a room, just click on them.