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Word Machine

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Word Machine


Find words starting with a provided letter and including 0,1 or 2 other given letters, in a limited time. ————————
Trouvez des mots commençant par une lettre fournie et incluant 0, 1 ou 2 lettres données, en temps limité !


You can play at WordMachine either in English or in French.
At each level you have to find 3 words beginning with a provided letter. The second word must also include another given letter. The last word must include the second letter and a third one, also indicated on the screen.
Sometimes a colored letter appears. If you include it in your word, you will a get a bonus: an extra life, some extra time or a level reset without loosing any point. The time and reset bonuses may be used later, by clicking the bonus indicators, or by pressing respectively SPACE or SHIFT.
There is always at least one existing word for the given letters.
A faster answer gives you more points. Each letter of a word gives you also points. Rare letters (Z, K, W…) gives more points than common one (A,E, S…).
Use the keyboard to enter a word, then validate it with the ENTER key. Use DEL or BACKSPACE to clear.
You start the game with three lifes.
Vous pouvez jouer à WordMachine en Français ou en Anglais.
A chaque niveau vous devez trouver trois mots différents, qui commencent tous par une lettre qui vous sera indiquée.
Le second mot doit inclure une deuxième lettre indiquée à l’écran. Le dernier mot doit aussi inclure cette lettre, plus une autre également indiquée.
De temps en temps des lettres colorées s’affichent. Si vous les incluez, vous obtiendrez des bonus (vie supplémentaire, temps, réinitialisation de niveau sans perte de point). Les bonus de temps et de réinitialisation s’utilisent ultérieurement, en cliquant sur le bouton associé ou en appuyant respectivement sur ESPACE ou SHIFT.
Il existe toujours au moins un mot incluant les lettres fournies.
Plus vous répondez vite, plus vous marquez de points. Les lettres les plus rares (K,Z, W…) donnent plus de points que les lettres courantes (A, E, S…)
Utilisez le clavier pour saisir un mot, et validez-le avec la touche ENTREE. Utilisez SUPPR et Retour Arrière pour effacer;
Vous disposez de trois vies pour commencer le jeu.


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



… and become a wordmaster !!!

Use common consonants (red) to attack your opponent.
Use rarer consonants (yellow) to make stronger attacks.
Use vowels (blue) to restore your HP.
Improve your strategy by using a joker to make a stronger or a longer word.

The fight has just begun.

Choose among 3 level of difficulty and compare your score with other fighters around the world.


Type the word and press enter to validate.
You can use the proposed letter and a joker which can be any letter.
Bring your opponent to 0 points before he brings you.
Make combos (two letters or more of each kind, no joker use) to improve your score.
When you succeed, the next fighter will be stronger and you’ll be weaker. Where will you put the limit ?


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



A simple game of dominos. The Goal is to put dominos in the hole area, and all juxtaposed numbers have to be identic. 3 modes of difficulty.


Drag and drop dominos in the hole area, all juxtaposed numbers have to match themself.

Pearl Exploder

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Pearl Exploder


its a tetris like game. You must destroy the incoming pearls. To eliminate pearls you must shoot and form a group of 3 or more same color pearls. The goal is having the best score



Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



PowerNumber is a reflexion game in limited time.

Pick following tiles of same value.

No more moves, don’t panic, break the tiles and get more opportunities.

Challenging and addictive.

Now, a challenge mode with same tiles for everybody enables accurate comparison


Click on following tiles with same values. As many as the value itself.
One 1. Two 2. Three 3. Four 4. Five 5 or Six 6.

The combination then disappears, earning points and seconds (from 1×1 to 6×6). Gravity will reorder the grid and new tiles will complete on top.

At any time you can click (click again to cancel) on the bomb button to sacrifice a tile in exchange of +1 to the surrounding tiles(1->2,…,6->1).
Use this ability to create new possibilities of combinations.

Enjoy this twist and have fun with PowerNumber.

The game ends with either no time or no tile