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Ashen Games

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There is something about me..

Jigsaw: Big Cloud

Posted by games.ashen.com Oct-26-2011

Jigsaw: Big Cloud


Big clouds on the sky over the desert, maybe it is bringing rain.


Jigsaw: Cold Bridge

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-16-2010

Jigsaw: Cold Bridge


Isn’t the winter wonderful.


Weather Patterns

Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010

Weather Patterns


A puzzle game with a weather theme.


Weather symbols fall from the clouds and stack on eachother.
Click on two or more weather symbols to delete the symbols before the symbols reach the top. The higher the combos the quicker you will advance to the next level. Each symbol is worth the level you are on. Each level you get a bomb which allows you to blow up symbols to save yourself from losing. Buttons on the left let you change the difficulty. Higher difficulties let you gain more points.


Posted by games.ashen.com Dec-15-2010



A stray city cat finds a mysterious time-controlling collar and uses it to steal dropped food during a busy lunch break. Don’t get stepped on!


Use the mouse to control the cat around the screen and pick up all the dropped food. The quicker you grab the food the more points you get for it. Wandering pedestrians move only when you move – if you stay on the same spot nobody will move. As you progress, more and different types of pedestrian will appear, as well as other strange things designed to hinder your food-munching progress. Picking up the glowing white balls will allow your cat the ability to push pedestrians outwards away from him in a radial manner by clicking the left mouse button, but you can only keep up to 3 of these pickups at a time so use them sparingly. The game is over when the cat is stepped on. Press ‘P’ to pause the game.